Examples of already available open-source machine vision modules running on the small quad-core processor inside the JeVois smart camera:
- TensorFlow, MobileNets, SqueezeNet: recognize 1000 different types of objects at up to 83 frames/second using deep learning
- Darknet and Darknet YOLO, MobileNet+SSD: detect and recognize up to 1000 different types of objects using deep neural networks
- Visual attention: find interesting things.
- Gist: recognize different places.
- Deep neural networks: Read digits, recognize objects using neural nets.
- ArUco: detect &decode simple augmented reality patterns, use them as visual guides for robots.
- QRcode and barcode: Detect & decode.
- Background subtraction: find moving things.
- Learn computer vision with JeVois by programming your own machine vision modules live on JeVois using Python + OpenCV.
- GPU image processing examples.
- NEON-accelerated image processing example (blur filter runs 6x faster using NEON multimedia processor instructions compared to standard CPU instructions).
- Eye tracking: Build your own 120Hz eye tracker.
- Features: Dense SIFT feature extraction.
- Multicore processing: Quad-core edge detection demo. Almost all modules exploit multicore technology.
- Color tracking: Detect and track objects by their color.
- Motion flow detection: Fast optical flow.
- Autonomous driving: Detect and follow roads for autonomous cars.
- Object matching: Detect and recognize objects using SURF key points.
- Image segmentation: Segment images into superpixels.
- Video capture: Save video to microSD for later analysis.
- Passthrough: Use your JeVois camera as a standard USB camera capable of up to 120 frames/s.
Many more to come, share your own via our web portal, download machine vision modules programmed by others.
Detecting and decoding augmented reality markers (ArUco), directly on the JeVois smart camera's processor, at 94 frames/s.

JeVois smart camera detects and recognizes known objects or locations, here for example parking spot number 26 as seen from a flying drone carrying a JeVois smart camera.

JeVois smart camera detects road boundaries and computes vanishing point, sending steering commands directly to an autonomous car.

JeVois implements a simple eye-tracker, detecting the location and orientation of a user's pupil at 200+ frames/s directly on the smart camera's processor.
More examples in our Kickstarter video:
Example of object detection and recognition using deep neural networks
See http://jevois.org for more, in particular: